Well manager Mark McGhee isn't happy that the interest has been made public and is quoted as saying: "It was on record earlier in the season that I am a fan of the lad McAlister. But it is premature and unfair of [McGhee is misquoted here, he actually says it's unfair ON Morton - you can hear this if you listen to the interview linked to below] Morton to discuss where we are with it as we have not made an official offer. We do not want to unsettle the lad at his present club."
If you click this link http://search.bbc.co.uk/cgi-bin/search/results.pl?scope=all&edition=d&q=mcghee+southampton and then click on the listen icon for the 'McGhee unaware of Southampton link' audio function in the top right hand corner of the screen you can listen to an interview with McGhee in which he admits he is a fan of McAlister.It's about 4 minutes 50 seconds into the interview.
According to a post by dirty dingus (great name) on the unofficial messageboard Tom Callaghan - McAlister's representative - claims that Morton want £250,000 for Jim in an article in today's Daily Star.
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